Oh my sweet boy. You are growing too fast.
Here are your favorites and not-so-favorites at 15 months:
Foods - any type of bread or crackers: toddler muffins, pancakes, goldfish, grilled cheese
Songs - anything you can bounce too, you love to hear people singing and will clap along especially when mommy is watching dancing with the stars
Toys - you love sitting on your boat from mimi and pa pa but more than anything you love books. you bring them to us constantly and point at each of the pictures. it is one of the only times we can get you to sit in our laps for a few minutes. you also love things that roll and love to make the sound effects of cars and any toys that make music or noise, remotes, Layla's toys, blankies
Words - uh oh, bu (for books and everything else), ball, mama, dada, Layla (sounds more like aya - and it applies to any dog), hot, bite, wa-wa (for water and milk and any other liquid)
Sound effects - "raaaar", boat noises, spitting, and a weird thing you do trying to make the "L" sound
Places to be - the bathtub, outside, held upside-down, in your crib at bedtime (thank the Lord for this one!)
Foods - any type of meats or potatoes
Noises - vaccuum cleaner, Layla barking and scaring you, doorbell (because it makes Layla bark and scare you)
Places to be - high chair, car seat, held by mommy or daddy (you want to go-go-go)
Other things - giving "love" (we have to force you most of the time), getting locked out of places (like the bathroom), being left at nursery at church, new people holding you
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