Life with The Halls

Friday, April 29, 2011

Off to Our Next Adventure!!

Day 5 of our trip is off to a good start! Woke up early to watch the wedding and then cleaned up a little before soaking up some sun. It is a BEAUTIFUL day here and I got to lay out under cloudless blue skies. I love it. There's nothing better.
Now we're headed off to ride the ferry to Southport and get some Britt's donuts at Carolina Beach and then we're riding back to Oak Island to eat at the famous Shagger Jack's.  This is Perry's parents restaurant! I'm so excited about getting to see them and hang out for a while.
Then tomorrow we are going out on the boat all day and Sunday I'm trying to hit the beach before we have to leave. Sounds perfect right??
Here are some pics of my ring. I know you've been dying to see :)
Have a great weekend!!! :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beach Vacation!!

So, here we are at the beach!! It's the best thing although I do really miss Layla.
The trip down was a success. Every moment I kept just thinking about how thankful I am to be married to a wonderful loving husband. He makes me smile. He wrote a song for our trip down and although I might not be supposed to share it... I am anyways. He didn't finish the verses. But it was a fun surprise for our trip. :)

So I wrote that yesterday and gave up trying to add the link for the song. Sadly you won't be able to hear it until Brandon decides to post it because I'm obviously not technologically savvy enough to post it. But I do want to tell you about our WONDERFUL Anniversary date we had last night. It wasn't really planned to be our anniversary date but that's what it turned out to be. We obviously celebrated a little early but now that I have my new job we have decided not to take a trip on our anniversary. We'll just go out for a nice dinner or something.
Back to the date!!!
It started out with family shopping at Independence Mall in Wilmington. I've been talking about getting a halo put around my engagement ring for a while now so we shopped at a few stores and found out the best thing would be to get it custom made which was pretty pricey. We had starbucks and Anna Grace jumped on the trampoline. We also got in the machine that shows you what hurricane-like winds feel like.  Overall, it was just fun. Not your normal shopping in the mall. I did buy a pair of shorts at Forever 21 which I love and were incredibly reasonably priced. (love when that happens!)

Then, we decided not to take the family trip to Cracker Barrel but to set out on our own. As we were leaving the mall we stopped at Reeds because I remembered their "upgrade" program that they had since Brandon bought my ring there. I ended up falling in love with a ring and it was less than what we had talked about for custom-making a ring, and I will actually get to keep my original engagement ring. Maybe one day I'll put it in another ring or maybe I'll just save it - not sure yet. But bottom line, I get my new ring today!! :) :) I can't even describe how beautiful it is.  My husband is amazing. I told him that I didn't want it if it was going to make him feel like my first ring wasn't good enough but we talked about how this was a better idea than custom making something because I still get to keep my ring and get a new one. Anyways, he's happy that I'm happy and this ring will definitely be the one I wear forever. :) :)
I know some people will probably think I'm a little ridiculous but bottom line, I don't really care.  I love it so much.

Next, we went to the place where we wanted to purchase Brandon's anniversary present. Brandon has decided he wants a gun. For our first anniversary we are investing in things we want rather than spending money on a trip. This beach trip is virtually free (other than gas and food) so we feel good about it! :)
Anyways, we went to a gun shop in Wilmington and Brandon compared some guns that he was interested in. Then the guy told us we could try shooting them and he would wave the lane fee and the gun rental fee so we only had to buy some target bullets. Brandon said he definitely wanted to so he could get a feel for what he liked better and somehow I ended up saying that I would shoot them too. I told Brandon later that the closest thing I had shot to a gun is one of those car wash hoses that kicks back when you hold it down cause of all the pressure. Lame huh?
So we went in there and Brandon shot first and then the guy taught me how. Brandon videoed but we later found out that it didn't work because it ran out of memory. It was the only disappointing part of the whole trip. You would have LOVED that video. I was scared to death and the guy was like "No, don't hold it like that, let me show you," and then I was just like "I'm scared!" but I shot it but I shot the thing that was holding the target and it knocked the whole thing down. In my fear I hadn't really aimed. I mean, I was aiming into an open room so it was ok but I wasn't concentrating on the target. Lol. Brandon said he was so nervous watching me do it but I have to admit it was actually fun. We both shot more rounds and I got a little more comfortable with the idea of him having a gun. All in all, a really cool surprise part of our date. We never expected we'd take time to shoot guns (especially me).

Then we headed down to the river to eat dinner but we ended up just taking pictures and walking and deciding to go back to Olive Garden. I actually talked Brandon into splitting the Tour of Italy even thought he normally doesn't want to share but it was enough food for us both and it saved us some money. He ended up saying it was a good idea at the end. Love it when that happens! :)

Then the drive home was a disaster. We took a wrong road and I had to pee so bad but all the gas stations looked sketchy. I finally got my bathroom and after a couple more wrong turns we made it to the Food Lion to buy Jack (his aunt and uncle's dog) food and headed home.
Yesterday was a SUCCESS! :)

Today we get to go the beach all day cause Brandon promised and then I get my RING!! pics to come :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bonfires and Almost Summer

I would say probably the most challenging part of our marriage is sharing the same experiences, while trying to find a way for us to both blog about it without being redundant. Just kidding, but seriously. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while though. Today was fun, I got to take Layla to school to see her mother and she loved it. I will let Leslie share more about that though. I really enjoyed the drive too. Theres not much better than riding through the mountains with your dog hanging her head out the window jamming out to U2's greatest hits. I really wanted to show you guys some photos of our awesome fire pit that we built Sunday. So far we have had two bonfires and they have been awesome. The weather is just right and I stayed out there last night until after midnight just playing guitar and chilling with the dog. Here are some photos:

Thursday, April 14, 2011


First of all, sorry I've been MIA. But let me just tell you, it's been for good reason. This has been the craziest week. Lots has happened since I got the job but I know what you're really waiting for is what I've been wanting to tell you...
I can't even begin to tell you how amazing the past three days have been and how much I absolutely love everything about my job. Each day I've come home and Brandon's been asking "Was it still as great as yesterday?" and I just keep saying YES!!!
Things I love about my job:
1. The kids. I love being in the classroom and getting to invest in these wonderful little people. I love that they are excited about school and I love encouraging them when they aren't. They are so cute. 15 little cuties. 11 boys and 4 girls. Oh how I already love all of them.
2. My classroom. I know all the credit goes to my teacher but this room is AWESOME. It's organized and clean and bright and beautiful. There's a place for everything and I already feel at home. I have my OWN desk with a picture of me and my wonderful husband on it and it even has some flowers and a card (picture below) from my cooperating teacher last year (who is the other 1st grade teacher) and her little girl who is my class. It was so sweet.
3. My teacher. She is young and sweet and excited about the kids. Everything she does is for the kids. She takes time to explain things when they don't understand and I can't imagine her ever yelling. She is just the sweetest. I am SO thankful to be in a wonderful classroom with a great teacher. I know I'm going to learn so much. I really hope I'm here again next year!
4. My hours. I LOVE getting up in the morning and being done by 3. It's the greatest thing ever.
5. My school. (Which is basically the PEOPLE in my school) They are so welcoming and I already feel like part of a family. I love knowing the kids from last year and having kids run up to me and shout Mrs. Leslie with a hug.

Overall, I just can't say enough about it. God has brought me from a place where I would feel like being a teacher's assistant was not good enough and I am just finding all the reasons to be thankful for where I am. I get to work with an amazing teacher and really enjoy getting back to the classroom without being overwhelmed with having my own. I know this season has it's purpose and I'm glad God is giving me a clear picture of how it's all going to work out.

Not to mention all the exciting things coming up at school. The kids voted on pet week as their reward for filling the jewel jar and I'm making Brandon bring Layla to school next week. She's going to LOVE it and I'm going to love showing her off. Also, we get to go on a field trip after spring break AND the kids have their K-2 play coming up.

Did I tell you I love my job???

Brandon and I are off to dinner with the Tuckers. So excited. Haven't gotten to know them like I've wanted to and tonight we're changing that!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

He keeps working!

God is doing big things in my life. I'm amazed at how He works it all out when you are in the right place at the right time and are doing what He's called you to do. So let me just tell you the awesome things that have happened in the last day!

  • Yesterday I found out that I GOT THE TEACHER ASSISTANT JOB!!! They're waiting on things to come through for it to be "official" but it's official enough for me! I am going to be starting VERY soon. And I can't wait!
  • Upon hearing that I got the job, I was a little nervous about figuring out how I was going to tell my current employers and how long it would take for me to get started because I should work a two weeks notice. BUT my principal had already been talking to my current boss and she has already started getting interviews together which is amazing, because I really don't want to leave anyone hanging
  • I also babysit for a sweet little girl and I was worried about her mommy finding someone else to keep her but Hallelujah, He does it again! My sister is going to be able to keep her and my sister's really excited about it and I know she will do a fantabulous job. So I know sweet Em will be safe and Mrs. April won't have to stress about finding someone else in less than a week.
  • Then, this morning I realized I had to write a resignation letter for my current job, but WAIT - I got an e-mail saying I don't have to because it will be considered a TRANSFER!! Do you know how much peace it gives me to know that it won't be on my Watauga County Schools profile that I resigned from a position but instead I just transferred to another position.
God is working it all out for my GOOD :)
Just had to brag on Him a little.

Can't wait for church tonight. If you don't have anywhere else to be (and even if you do) you should come to the Reel House across from Los Arcoiris for church tonight at 7 pm. I can guarantee that Jesus will be exalted and that you will be loved on! :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

It's Been a Great Weekend

There is something about the sunshine. It really does just do me some serious good! Here's a glimpse of my awesome weekend:
- Dinner and Bluegrass Music from my dad's bluegrass band SonRoad at Carolina Barbeque with my family. (Kira and Nic also came - I LOVED THAT). The barbeque was amazing and I loved being with my family. Lots of extended family came and my two second cousins played me with their April Fools jokes. Funny for them.
- Movie afterwards with Kira and Nic. We watched The Killers after some serious debate at the redbox. It was really cute and funny.  I was worried that it would be a Mr and Mrs Smith knock-off but it wasn't too bad.  I'm getting Morning Glory next. The redbox has lots of good movies right now.
- Lazy Saturday - I cleaned the house and I mean, REALLY cleaned it. I even dusted. Which is my least favorite thing ever to do. I can truly say that I now enjoy washing the dishes. I love to take my computer (like some of you have previously read) and watch shows on hulu while I do the dishes. It's relaxing and now I enjoy the dishes. But I don't think I'll ever enjoy dusting. It takes so much time and you have to move around so many things. Saturday I tried to be patient and move all the little things around and I'm glad I did. The house is clean and fresh. I also vacuumed and washed the sheets and our couch covers. They needed it because Layla got way too excited when Nic and Kira arrived and she got a little pee on the couch cover.
- Saturday night we went to the coffee house and I realized that I was NOT in college anymore.  There were so many college kids and it was amazing to see the coffee house filled up like that. I'm so excited for them. I was there really early with Brandon cause he played with the band when this huge group of college kids walked in. They were all talking and knew each other and I just sat and thought about my days when it was like that for me. Such fun memories of the A-frame and cook outs and bonfires and all of it reminds me of sweet summertime which I'm so excited about. Anyways, this guy sat next to me and introduced himself and I said "Yeah, I'm married to him (and pointed to Brandon)" He was like "ok." As soon as it came out of my mouth, I thought, that was a lame thing to say. Why would he care? But really, a year ago, it would've been relevant because everyone in the coffeehouse knew Brandon. Now we are a little out of the loop. Not that we don't feel completely connected to Sonslight and their vision, but those college kids and all the people that go to coffee house are not the people we see all week long anymore.   But I have to say that I'm really thankful for where I am. I'm thankful for my friends that are in the same stage of life as me that I know I will always have. God knows what He is doing.
- Sunday morning was AMAZING. I am just completely amazed at how our church is growing. Not in numbers necessarily but in maturity.   We are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing in planting seeds. The kind of seeds that grow to look exactly like the fruit that produced them. I just have to give a shout out to Michael Baylor and Blake Elder who really stepped it up on a Sunday when some of our leaders had the awesome opportunity of traveling to another place. Church was still awesome and the Holy Spirit still showed up, and people's lives are still being changed. That's the kind of church I'm so thankful to be a part of. It was GOOOD.
- Sunday afternoon I was LAZY and I loved that too. Went to 607 again and laid in the sunshine. Got a little burnt (and very unequally burnt) and then watched Waiting for Superman, which is an awesome documentary that kinda made me annoyed that we aren't changing things but I'm thankful for the people who are really trying. For now, trying for me just looks like me being the best teacher I can be and not getting slack on my kids.
- Sunday evening I came home to see my husband and we crashed. Brandon and I got to talk about our days (He went golfing - I'm glad he got to do something for himself and I'm glad he found John Mark and Joseph on the course) I'm a lucky lucky girl.  I woke up this morning with my contacts in and my clothes on. Obviously I fell asleep fast and hard and Brandon just left me there. But I'm glad I was up early to start the day right.
And another week begins!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Quick Update

    The interview went SOOO great. Even if the job doesn't come with it, I still feel really good about getting to interview with an awesome group of educators. But I'm also hopeful! I hope that I hear back soon!
    So thank you to everyone who was praying for me today. I am amazed at the people who have said they have called principals to tell me how great they think I am and the people who have been so encouraging. I have no doubt that I will be a teacher in Watauga County one day and I can't wait.
    Now, I get to go enjoy an evening with family and Kira (yayyy!) at Carolina Barbeque in Newland. Feel free to come join us!! I get to eat barbeque and support my dad while he's singing awesome bluegrass music.  He is awesome.
Love you all! Enjoy your Friday Night!