Life with The Halls

Sunday, September 13, 2015

3 (and a half) months

Bennett is 3.5 months old now and it is the best. He was one very fussy baby up until about 8 weeks old. I cut out dairy and tried all sorts of things feeling like there had to be something wrong for him to always be so upset - there was no soothing the boy. But we had a turnaround at around 8 weeks and life with 2 has been on the uphill since then. I can not even describe to you how much I love my littlest boy. I love them both to pieces (obviously) but lately I just want to take in everything about Bennett being so little and squishy and sweet cause I know it will be gone before I know it and soon he will be running around with big brother getting into everything.

Bennett is the smiliest, sweetest thing. All you have to do is look at him and he breaks out into a huge grin. He easily falls asleep when he's put down and swaddled but is not a huge fan of being rocked and cuddled. He prefers to sit up and see everything that is happening. Nursing has gotten to a point where it is so much easier and he takes a bottle without hesitation as well. He loves his paci but also gets along pretty well without it. He's learned to roll over from front to back when he wants and I'm thinking it's about time to break out the bumbo because he is sitting up so well when supported.

He also is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. I know that most people think that about their own kids but really - its true. He is ridiculously cute with his overgrown toupee-like hair and big brown eyes.

It's funny how you don't remember with the second kid. You would think you would but it all just runs together. But when we go for three - I will look back and know.

Here's to three months. So far - you're my favorite.