Life with The Halls

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

25 weeks pregnant

I love this stage. I know it's going to get worse. I will start swelling in my hands and feet, my face will get fat, I will get up 100 times to pee every night. I will get heartburn and indigestion and being on my feet all day at school will start to get really hard. 

But for now, I'm loving this pregnancy. Bennett is kicking and squirming constantly and I feel pretty energetic still (minus the time change). I still like some of my clothes and I can still wear my toms :) Life is good.

I still am having to go every two weeks to Hickory to see Maternal Fetal Medicine and it's looking like I will get to go about 6 more times before Bennett gets here. It's annoying and expensive and it makes me nervous every time, but I am so thankful that my numbers have stayed pretty steady.  

On Friday at the doctor - Bennett weighed in at 1 lb 12 oz and was growing perfectly on track. There was no concerning excess fluid and the rate of flow of his blood confirms that he's not becoming anemic. We did discuss my birthing options. It's something that I've been really concerned about lately. And although I still don't know anything for sure - it is looking like Bennett might be making his appearance closer to 37 weeks. I will opt for the c-section this time even though sometimes I still wish I could have my all-natural vaginal birth. It's most likely that it will be safer for him to be a couple weeks early rather than to stay in longer and possibly be more severely jaundiced or anemic which would lead to the need for a blood transfusion. And although VBACs are becoming more popular, I don't know that I can go through 2 hours of pushing only to be forced into a c-section anyway all over again.

The other concern I have is where I will deliver. I want to deliver at Watauga but it's kind of unsettling that there isn't a NICU should the need arise so we may be opting to deliver in Hickory just so I will feel better. But I guess this is another wait-and-see kind of thing. Patience. Because at any ultrasound things could change the plan anyway. And maybe the ultrasounds will make me feel better. They will check out every part of this little guy to make sure it's safe for him to come into the world. But regardless - it is looking like my June baby may be a May baby and that both excites and terrifies me.  

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