Life with The Halls

Monday, January 19, 2015

Morning Out & Update on Bennett

So today I got to have a mommy's day out. I felt a little guilty because Grayson has been fighting a cold and his canines coming through all weekend but Brandon assured me that if he couldn't hang at Mrs. Sam's that he would go pick him up and they would be fine.

Last week I debated whether or not to hurry back to Boone for a workday after an early ultrasound this morning in Hickory but after I found out Christi would be in Hickory anyway - I decided to  take the whole day for me. I drove down at the crack of dawn (literally and it was beautiful) listening to the "Find Your Flow" message by Steven Furtick, had my appointment, and now I'm spending some time sitting at Barnes and Nobles blogging, sipping coffee, and maybe reading some of Unbroken and then I'll meet up with Christi and Megan in a little bit! Praise!!

So thank you to my awesome husband. I've told him like five times how much this day means to me. I've been looking forward to it all weekend. But yet I will say it again. The freedom to be here and see friends and sit with no schedule in a coffee shop is a blessing.

So - some updates on Bennett: On Friday I was feeling nervous about today because I hadn't felt Bennett kick yet so I drank some cold water, ate a reeses, and laid down on the couch to the encouragement of my FB mom friends.  Minutes later I was feeling him move! It was awesome and wonderful and I've been noticing it more and more all weekend. I didn't feel Grayson until about 23 weeks (mostly because of my anterior placenta) so it was so exciting to start to feel Bennett sooner.

And today I got to see him on the big screen again! He looks great! This mommy is so happy. My titers have also gone down to 1:4 which is a relief and an answer to prayers! Keep praying that they stay down throughout this pregnancy! He weighs a whopping 9 oz and was extra wiggly. I absolutely can not wait to see his sweet face in 21 weeks.

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