Life with The Halls

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Pregnancy Symptoms

Even though this is my second (viable) pregnancy - it's sometimes hard to remember the symptoms. Through this whole first trimester I was basically wishing for more obvious symptoms to reassure me that this baby was growing and healthy. I guess they are just more subtle this time. But they're there.

1. Moodiness - the reason Brandon is convinced this is a girl. With Grayson, Brandon was terrified that I would be crazy and mean but I really never felt out of sorts. But with this baby - I have had some moments where even though my rational mind knows that I am being dramatic - my emotions go from 0 to 100 in a hot second. I think I have kept it under control pretty well but there are some times that I come across pretty harsh and I know my patience is very short.

2. Round ligament pain - the random twinges and shocks in my lower stomach that make me feel like I just pulled a muscle. Sometimes it happens when I move to quickly in one direction or another and it happens LOTS of times when I sneeze.  I remember it with G but this time it is more obvious.

3. A little nausea in the evening - but really not bad compared to the first pregnancy. I remember being so nauseous for a solid 2 weeks that I was pretty miserable. This time I kinda wished I was more sick so I'd feel more convinced that I was pregnant and staying pregnant. But luckily I wasn't. Every once in a while dinner would take a back seat and then I'd wake up hungry at midnight. And other times, I felt the need to snack all day at school. But like I said - not too shabby.

4. Exhaustion - a result of pregnancy, being a mom of a 16 month old or being a teacher? I'm not really sure if it's a pregnancy symptom or just a life symptom but I am basically ready for bed at 9:00 every night.

5. Food aversions - coffee is SO good to me on a not-pregnant day but coffee is the biggest turnoff when I'm preggo. It happened with Grayson and it happened again. Although I did enjoy one good Starbucks for Thanksgiving - most of the time I can't imagine drinking the stuff. Weird, huh? I'm hoping this will go away soon and I can continue to drink seasonal decafs! Also - dinner basically never sounds good. I just force myself to eat a little and then wake up at midnight starving. It's an annoying pattern.

6. I'm cold - all the time. I kind of remember this with Grayson. Only because I am normally pretty hot-natured and towards the end I was wishing that I was still having those "cold" problems because I was constantly overheated and swollen. But for now - I am cold. I want lots of layers and thick socks and blankets. I'm not sure if that's truly pregnancy related. But I'm blaming it anyways.

7. Pregnancy brain. Jamie says she's going to write down the dumb things I say this time around. You can ask her about the things that have already come out of my mouth that make no sense. But it's true that my brain is MIA.

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