So my emotions have been a little up and down since my last post the day before my birthday! Looking back on my confidence and excitement last Thursday, it's hard for me to be so sure of my comment about "not being depressed if I don't get the job." Ok, that's a little dramatic. I admit it. I'm DEFINITELY not depressed. I actually found out that my amazing friend Christi Mercer DID get one of the jobs. It was totally God's timing and I'm so excited that she's about to live out her dream!! But let's get real, it's hard to hear a no when you want a yes. I'll be the first to admit it.
These past few days I've started to realize that sometimes you just have to do the acting until your heart catches up. I'm not talking about being fake, but there are certain things that God calls us to do that sometimes you just don't feel like doing. Like God calls us to worship and to believe that He works all things for our good. Just being honest, but for me, it was really hard for me to be ready to believe that God is going to work something out when I had just been believing as hard as I could that He was going to work the last thing out. I know they say that your faith isn't tested until you go through the hard stuff but I've been learning what it really means to activate that. It's way harder to believe you're going to get a job when you've just been told no. And it's also hard to worship and retain your joy in your salvation when you're bummed that your good enough wasn't good enough. Not trying to have a pity party here, actually looking back it sounds pretty pathetic, but in the moment, I was a baby. I cried over the spilled milk and found it hard to see the good. But I'm here to say that worshiping God through it all is worth it. Even if I never get the chance to be a teacher (yeah right!) then I will still choose to worship Him. Cause He is good.
Why is it so hard to remember how blessed you are when you're pouting? I guess your focus is just in the wrong place.
FREEZE. Just now got the call. I have another interview. I'm laughing right now. God is good. I kind of knew that interview call was coming because Brandon and I both met with a principal today about teaching jobs and band jobs but it's still exciting to hear that I really have one. I'm ready to knock it out. And to worship and trust and be joyful even if I hear another no.
So that's my life. It's just the truth. Sometimes I'm sad and grumpy and pouty and I'm just thankful that God still loves me through it. And I'm thankful that He's taught me how to do the right things until my heart realizes that it really IS the right thing (that way I don't go regretting saying or doing silly things.) Thank you to my husband who listens to it all and is willing to learn how to love me best. He really does do a great job. BTW Brandon has an interview WEDNESDAY. That's two days! Pray for him. I know he'd do such a good job!
And lastly, CONGRATULATIONS to my awesome, wonderful friend Christi. You're going to be the BEST teacher. Thanks for reading this blog. I know you will even without me telling you I posted something. I feel like the last few months we've gotten so much closer and I'm so excited about getting to enjoy this next season with you. And I'm excited about all the mutual breaks we will have. I see ski trips and vacations and lake dates in our future! Love you so much!!!
I LOVED catching up on your blog only to read this post which definitely needs an update... because You AND Brandon BOTH have teaching jobs in Watauga County!! I am so excited for you both and all that this year holds for you!! God is so faithful! He saved you two for these perfect jobs and you are going to be the BEST teachers!!! Love You