Life with The Halls

Monday, May 30, 2011

Beautiful Weekend

Well, another weekend has come and gone. They go by SO fast these days. Only 7 more days of school left and I can't wait to enjoy a summer full of weddings and fun.
So, this weekend we enjoyed lots of time in the sun - we just hung out around the house and Brandon built me a SWING. He said I could choose between a tire swing and a swing made out of wood. I chose wood, cause tire swings always get full of water and such and here's a pic!! It's wonderful. I keep trying to find a time when I can go down with my book (I'm re-reading Redeeming Love) and just read and swing. It's been SOO hot outside though.. I need a cool evening.

So I have to give a shout out to Jessica Langevin and Cait Mack. I don't know if they will read this blog but I'm thankful for loving church sisters that will volunteer their free time so that I can enjoy a day at Valle Crucis Park with my first graders. They are going to proctor for me and the other first grade assistant this week so I don't have to drive to the park late.  I'm so thankful.

Random story to end this short blog. As I wrote the word "hot" describing how the temperatures have been soaring to the upper 80s, I'm reminded of a time in sixth grade during a spelling test.  I still honestly have trouble when I'm writing the word "hot." I'm always tempted to write "hott," which is the spelling for a person who is really attractive. I guess sixth grade was the year that I started learning that word and started writing "hottie" to describe boys in notes to my friends. Anyways, the spelling word was "haughty" meaning arrogantly superior and disdainful (not to be confused with a cute sixth grade boy) and I of course spelled it "hottie." I remember we were in a smaller group setting doing a higher level spelling so each week a different person would call out the words and check the tests and I remember Jacque Bailey catching my mistake and calling me out on it - saying "Leslie spelled it like "h-o-t-t hott" I wanted to crawl under my desk. Is a sixth grader really supposed to know haughty over hottie?

Well - I'm off to finish The Bachelorette. Goodnight! :)

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