Well I wasn't really planning on this blog going here, but I woke up this morning with my spirit just screaming praise to Jesus. Maybe a spiritual hangover from last night, (lol ie. w.o.w.) or maybe just the revelation that the Holy Spirit is with us 24/7. I was walking to the shower trying to be as quiet as possible because Leslie was still asleep just in awe of how great our God is. I am a guitar player by the worlds standards, but I am a worship leader in the kingdom. In my mind I don't even see myself playing guitar sometimes, I see myself with a mic just leading God's people in worship. Not singing of course, although I would love to be able to sing, but just ministering to the people. I can't be long because I have to go to work, but just know that God loves you and he wants more. Your not just a person on a list with a check on your name if your saved, you are a child of God. He is calling you to more. He wants you to live in the fullness of His spirit. It's going to require sacrifice on your part, and sacrifice isn't easy. A sacrifice doesn't even count unless it's something that you love or are deeply rooted to. But if you will just press in and honestly pursue God then that's when spells will be broken and burdens lifted. That's when the healing begins of physical, emotional, and mental wounds. When you open your mouth and cry out to Him, it's instant. There is no waiting period for God to get back to you. He has been waiting on you all this time.
So if a blog is supposed to be what's on my heart, then here you have it. If you need some proof, then I dare you to ask Him to show you. He will meet you where ever you are and if you have become complacent then just begin pursuing His presence and I guarantee you that the fire will come back and will be out of control. And if you are tired of church, then maybe take a step back and reevaluate things, this isn't about church or ministry. This isn't about what you can do for God. This is about letting God in your life and trusting His guidance in every aspect of your life. Your personal relationship with God comes first, then worry about that other stuff. Ministry is important, but it will not be effective if you and God aren't were you need to be.
Ok well off to work. lol. I love you guys, yes even you weirdo's that I don't know. Until next time.
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